Thursday 4 July 2013

advantages of good design on the basis of learn ability, visibility,usability.

Example of good design:

 The interface of this website is simple. The interface is clear graphically. Menu bar is visible to the user. When user moves cursor from the button “OUR SERVICES” the drop down menu pops down. Here are different options to select.  On other option like “home” , “contact us” when user click on them they linked them to other page. The options in the menu bar are commonly used in website so novice user can easily use them. The user will learn the site easily due to commonly used menu bar and simple options of menu. Due to this novice user is capable of learning the site easily. User did not need to remember all options or shortcut keys .The affordance of “home” is to link to its home page. The affordance of “our services” is to display pop down menu.
The information scents which are written on the menu bar are easily understandable by the user. For example from button “contact us” and “about us” user can understand that there are contact information and details of developers.  When you click on a button with the cursor the color of button become changed.
The options are easily learn able and not hidden so user can use this site efficiently.      

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