Monday 2 June 2014

Artificial Intelligence lenses for the blind created

artificial intelligence lense

Combining procedure pure mathematics, AI, geo and ultrasound techniques, among others, scientists from the middle for analysis and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV) created a tool to assist folks with low vision or visual defect to navigate additional simply.

This project, developed within the Department of EE and computer science, began formally in 2009, and in but 5 years a example was created and is getting ready to be transferred to the technology company Qualtop, same Eduardo José Bayro Corrochano, project leader.
The navigation device composed of glasses with stereo sound sensors, GPS technology and a tablet, that guides the blind man to a particular purpose and avoids striking static or moving obstacles, conjointly acknowledges cash bills of varied denominations, and color of vesture.
The expert, United Nations agency conjointly developed the primary cheap robot mechanism in United Mexican States referred to as Mexone, same it absolutely was from progress created throughout his analysis in artificial intelligence that he thought-about exploitation stereoscopy algorithms during a guiding device for folks with visual incapacity.
The idea came from a scholar thesis at the CINVESTAV on the employment of stereoscopy lenses designed for folks with visual defect. To do this, the researchers visited the varsity for Blind ladies in city that addresses this kind of disabilities, so as to satisfy the requirements of the visually impaired.
It was when the resource of the National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT) in 2012 and 2013 after they may accelerate the event of the lens, set the hardware, adapt processors and take a look at differing types of sensors utilized in the device.
"We presently have a light-weight weight, ergonomically acceptable example since it virtually feels like a traditional combine of glasses and may add real time with batteries that last some four hours in continuous use. we tend to hope to possess a billboard example by next August at the most recent, and having the ability to promote it in early 2015," Bayro Corrochano same, United Nations agency is additionally a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences.
Researcher at the CINVESTAV estimate that the business product would value between 10 and fifteen hundred bucks ($13,000- $19,500 Mexican pesos), and contains the glasses with sensors and a pill from that a voice would tell directions and/or warnings.

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