Thursday 1 May 2014

Google driverless car

The Google driverless car is autonomous car project which is developed by the Google. The software powered Google car is named as Google chauffeur. “Self-driving car” is identified by the writing on the car. Google engineer Sebastian Thrun who tells about this project. Sebastian Thrun is director of stand Artificial Intelligence laboratory and also he is the co-inventor of Google street views.


About $150,000 in equipment including, $70,000 laser radar (LIDAR) laser radar system in these Google robotic cars.
There is Velodyne 64-beam laser mounted on the top of roof for range finding. 3D map of world is generated by this laser. By using generated map it combines it with high resolution maps of the world, it produces different data models which allows it to self-derive. 

Road testing

The cars are tested by drivers with the unblemished driving records and passenger seat there is one of the Google engineer. The car has traveled San Francisco’s streets including Lombard Street and through city traffic.  The car system provides an override that allows a human driver to take control of the car by stepping on brake. Turning of the wheel is similar to cruise control systems.
Google posted video on YouTube showing in a residential of Morgan Hill California, Steve Mahan being taken on a ride in its self-driving Toyota Prius in 28-4-2012.
The Google team announced that they have completed over 300,000 autonomous- driving miles without any accident in august 2012.
In April 2014, the Google team announces that Google car have finished nearly 700,000 autonomous miles.

Larry burns about driverless car 

Larry burns a paid Google consultant says self-driving, taxi like vehicles “should be viewed as a new form of public transportation.”
Google car

driver less car

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