Saturday 27 July 2013

Engineer- What is engineer?

An engineer has ability to implement ideas in cost effective and practical approach. This ability takes a thought or an abstract idea and translates it into reality. This separates an engineer from other fields of science and mathematics.

Engineers are problem solvers, organizers, communicators, calculators and designers. They are capable of defining a problem and its relevant constraints and providing a simple solution. A senior engineer will usually perform less technical work but instead focus on managing a project or team of engineers.  

Engineers are problem solvers who want to make thing wore efficiently and quickly and less expensively. 

Consider the following list of things you use and take for granted everyday:

  • Buildings
  • Roads and bridges
  • Vehicles, including cars, planes and boats
  • Computers and electronic devices
  • Sewerage system

Not a single one of them would exist without engineers. 

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