Agile software development is a group of software development
method based on iterative and incremental development between self organizing,
cross functional team. It promote planning, evolutionary development and
delivery, a time- based iterative approach and encourage and flexible response
to change.
Martin Fowler
is one of the key founders of agile software development methods.
Agile software
development method
breaks tasks into small increments with minimal planning and do not involve
long term planning. Iterations are short time frames that that typically last
from one to four weeks. Each iteration involve a cross functional tea working
in all functions that are planning, requirement analysis, design, coding, unit
testing, acceptance
testing. At the end of iteration a working product is demonstrates to
stakeholders. This minimizes overall risk and allows the project to adapt to
changes quickly.
An iteration
might not add enough functionally to warrant a market release, but the goal is
to have available release at the end of each iteration.
In agile
software development, an information radiator is a physical display located
prominently in an office, where passerby can see it. It presents an up-to-date
summary of the status of a software project or other product. The name was
coined by Alistair Cockburn, and describe in 2002 book Agile software
Agile software
development Methods:
There are
following well known agile software development methods: